Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Eating raw and feeling full

Eating Raw and Feeling Full
by Jim Carey


During my radio interview with Kerry Pharr last November he mentioned going Raw for three days, and then gave up because he was always hungry. I have a solution for that:

A) To make a raw dish that is delicious and satisfying it is necessary to have all five of these flavors in your recipe:

1. Sweet/Pungent (Onion)
2. Sour
3. Salty
4. Spicy
5. Bitter

The ratios will change with the type of dish you are creating. The key to creating great Raw Recipes is learning to balance the five flavors. With time and practice creating Raw Gourmet food will be second nature to you. Here is a great resource for raw recipes: chiDiet.net.

* Excess sour is balanced by sweet.
* Overly bitter is balanced sour.
* Fats tone down spices, and mellow too much sweetness.
* Salt brings out flavors.

A breakdown of the five tastes:

1. Sweet: banana, dates, mangos, apples, raw honey, stevia extract
2. Sour: lemon juice, lime juice, raw apple cider vinegar, grapefruit juice.
3. Salty: Celtic sea salt, Nama shoyu, kelp, dulse, miso, celery.
4. Spicy: hot pepper, garlic, cayenne pepper.
5. Bitter: kale, lettuce, culinary herbs.

Farmer2_2 B) Quantity. We're used to having small bowls of salad with our meals (at best). When you're a rawbie, what might look like a salad for four is now dinner for one. For active guys in particular, don't hesitate to eat an entire salad bowl for lunch, or a blender or more of green smoothie for breakfast. Supper should be a small meal.

C) Eating on a schedule. Get you body used to eating on time. I eat at 7:30 am, 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm. Within a few days your body will begine producing digestive juices on schedule, digesting your foods more completely, and leaving you alone between meals.

D) Listen to your body, and eat only what it needs. If you're coming off the SAD, this might mean training your body as to what it needs vs. what it wants.

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