Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to Bike to Work

How to Bike to Work (Or Anywhere Else)
21 Sep 2008

With soaring gasoline prices — and a hint of autumn in the air — there’s
never been a better time to start bicycling to work. Here’s how to get

Today is World Carfree Day. Now in its eighth year, this international event is
a terrific showcase for alternative means of moving people from place to place.
Even if you can’t leave your car in the driveway this morning, it’s a great
time to consider walking, public transportation — and the greenest, most
efficient form of transport ever devised: cycling.

Once a novelty of the Industrial Revolution, bicycles now supply millions of
people with efficient, healthy, pollution-free daily transportation. Bicycles
can reduce traffic congestion and noise. You can park a dozen bikes in the space
of a single automobile, and the idea of a morning commute free of fossil fuels
seems particularly attractive in the face of rising fuel costs.

Even if you only cycle once a week — on Casual Fridays, perhaps — you’ll
be reducing your weekly commute’s environment by 20 percent. That’s about
the same as trading your current vehicle for a hybrid, and a lot cheaper.

Yes, you’ll sweat. No, you won’t smell like a horse around the office. Yes,
you can really do this. You’ll be healthier and a little richer for the

But commuting by bicycle takes planning. Let’s get started!

Make it work at the office

There’s an old saying that a journey starts with a single step. With bicycle
commuting, though, your journey begins with deciding what happens once you

The first thing you need is a secure place to park your bike at work. Bikes tend
to get in the way indoors, so keep yours out of hallways where people might
knock it down or get their clothes greasy. A back room or storage area might
work, but your best bet is probably outside — a covered location, if possible
— with something solid for a locking support.

Mornings are the coolest time of day to ride, but depending on the length of
your commute, you may want a place to change or freshen up. Talk to your
employer about your plans and the possibility of setting up a bike-to-work
program. If there are no suitable facilities where you work, look for a public
washroom (or even a gym shower) within easy walking distance of your
destination. You really don’t need much: just some privacy and room to change.

Are you in good enough shape?
Probably so. Whether you’re a casual commuter or a pro bike racer, cycling is
all about pace.

The biggest mistake made by beginner cyclists is pushing too hard a gear.
Regardless of how many “speeds” your bike might have, choose a midrange gear
in which you can comfortably turn the pedals at 70 or 80 revolutions per minute.
Over mixed terrain, use your gears to maintain this rhythm. This is the secret
to efficient cycling. Spin — don’t grind.

Commuting should be a gently aerobic activity. If you’re feeling winded, ease
back. As your fitness improves, you’ll be able to turn bigger gears at that 70
to 80 rpm cadence. Ride for pace, and the speed will come naturally.

As with all exercise regimes, consult your physician or primary care-giver
before getting started.

Key consideration: route planning
The shortest way to work may not be the best. Scout roads with marked bicycle
lanes. If none are available, look for routes that avoid overly narrow roads,
tricky bridges or intersections, and open storm gratings.

Routes through residential areas are pleasant and usually have the benefit of
lower traffic. But keep in mind that people are heading to work at the same time
you are, and the most dangerous place on the road for a cyclist is the foot of a
driveway. Watch for distracted drivers backing into the street. Avoid the
temptation to hop up onto a sidewalk: it decreases the time a car has to spot
you, and bikes are a hazard to pedestrians.

Once you’ve found a good route — find another. Part of the fun of cycling is
slowing down enough to really see things. Vary your commute and keep things

The Breezer Uptown, a dedicated U-frame city bike

It’s not about the bike … entirely
As Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong pointed out in his autobiography,
it’s not about the bike. You can commute on anything — but the right
equipment will certainly make your experience safer and easier.

If you’re going to be riding before the sun is fully up or after it sets, you
must have lights. Most municipalities have very specific regulations about the
degree of lighting required by night-riding cyclists, and common sense dictates
you get as bright as possible. Here’s the good news: a properly lit cyclist in
reflective clothing is generally more conspicuous than a daytime rider.

Whether they’re legally required or not, ride with an approved and
well-fitting helmet. A “lid” can be the difference between a scraped knee
and a hospital stay. Or worse.

We’ll discuss the selection of commuter-specific bicycles in future articles.
But rain fenders and a good bike rack will keep you cleaner and make your bike
more useful.

Choosing what to carry

A commuter cyclist with dual rear cargo panniers

Some commuters cycle in their work clothes. Depending on the length of your
ride, your fitness, and local climate, this might be an option for you.

Not all of us live in cool, flat place like Holland, so you may need to carry a
change of clothes on the bike. A towel and a washcloth in a ziplock bag will
make freshening up a breeze, along with whatever cosmetics or personal items
you’ll need for the day.

It’s smart to learn how to change a tire. Most bike shops will be happy to
show their customers the ropes, and it’s a quick roadside job once you’re in
the know. You’ll need a flat kit: a spare inner tube, two or three tire
levers, and a rag to check the inside of your tire for glass. There are also
flat-resistant tires and tubes. They’re a bit heavier and more expensive than
their conventional equivalents, but well worth the money.

Buy an impressive lock. Kryptonite is the dominant manufacturer in this field.
In any case, look for a case-hardened chain or heavy aircraft cable model.
Bicycle locks can be defeated, but a sturdy chain wrapped through your frame,
both tires, and a secure anchor will make your bike much less attractive to a
casual thief.

Finally, carry water. You should drink regularly while riding — at least one
standard water bottle per hour. Diluted sport drinks work well, too. If you’re
thirsty, you’re not drinking often enough.

Enjoy your ride!
Traveling by bicycle is a healthy and environmentally friendly way to move
around. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine — and check back for more tips on
cycle commuting bikes and gear.

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