Thursday, September 11, 2008

MSG: The Poisoning of America

The Poisoning of America

"You may think that you are actually avoiding MSG if you
avoid Chinese restaurants, but this factory created flavor
enhancer is in almost every bottled, bagged, frozen, or
canned processed food on super market shelves. "
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Following is a list of well-documented reactions to
monosodium glutamate (MSG). Individuals with
extreme sensitivities may experience seemingly incurable
fibromyalgia-type pain, while others may have immediate,
acute reactions, including heart attack.
Remember: a high enough dose is toxic to anyone - which
is far more likely as more and more foods contain higher
percentages of MSG (mostly in disguised forms: click
here for a list of common aliases found on food labels).
Mood swings
Sleep disorders
Pain in joints or bones
Chronic post nasal drip
Skin rash, itching, hives
Irritable bowel or colitis
Anxiety or panic attacks
Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
Severe headache, migraines
Extreme thirst or dry mouth
Chronic fatigue or sleepiness
ADD, ADHD, Rage Disorder
Shortness of breath, chest pains
Hyperactivity, behavioral problems
dry cough, hoarseness or sore throat
Blurred vision or difficulty breathing
Heavy, weak feeling in arms and legs
Gagging reflex or difficulty swallowing
Weight problems, obesity, hypoglycemia
Depression or mood change, bipolar, SAD
Difficulty concentrating and poor memory
Tenderness in localized areas, neck, back, etc.
Bloated face, dark circles under strained eyes
Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, colitis, IBS
Excessive perspiring or shuddering and chills
Swelling, pain, or numbness of hands, feet, jaw
Pressure behind eyes or on head, neck, shoulders
Irregular heart beat or blood pressure, racing heart
Chronic bronchitis-like symptoms, allergy reactions,
Balance problems, dizziness, or seizures, mini-strokes
Flushing or tingling in face, chest, pressure behind eyes
Attention deficit disorder, anxiety attacks, rage, panic attacks
Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia,
MS, Parkinson's
While MSG in its pure form must be labeled, food
manufacturers are aware that consumers have become
savvy to the term, "monosodium glutamate," and are now
adding enormous amounts to our foods under devious
and difficult-to-identify names - with the Food and Drug
Administration's approval.
When added to another ingredient (frequently the case
with carrageenan, for instance), the FDA does not require
that MSG be listed as such on a label.
Food labels are arranged in descending order of ingredient
concentrations. The earlier an ingredient below appears on
a label, the higher the likelihood that the food contains
autolyzed yeast
autolyzed plant protein
calcium caseinate
sodium caseinate
hydrolyzed protein
sodium caseinate
yeast extract
textured protein
Monopotassium glutamate
beef flavoring
pork flavoring
smoke flavoring
natural flavorings
chicken flavoring
soy sauce
soy extract
soy protein
soy protein isolate
soy protein concentrate
textured protein
vegetable gum
barley malt
malt extract
malt flavoring
whey protein
whey protein isolate
whey protein concentrate
This list is periodically updated by our members.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide an all-inclusive
list because the food industry is always inventing new
labeling deceptions to confound consumers.
We also suggest elimination of the excitotoxin, aspartame
(Nutrasweet ª et al.), from your diet, as many people who
react to one also react to the other.
It is also important to know that MSG can also be found
(though not always) in vaccines, flu shots, IV solutions (as
maltodextrin), and in vitamin supplements. MSG is
alwaysÊ present in any gelatin-encapsulated vitamin or

For a more complete list of what contains MSG that they
don't tell you about, go to: that asks the question, "If
MSG isn't harmful, why is it hidden?" Hmmmmmm.
Good question

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