Thursday, January 22, 2009

VEGETABLES - an excellent review of their benefits

by Elson M. Haas M.D. (Excerpted from Staying Healthy with Nutrition:
The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine, Celestial Arts)

Vegetables are another big topic, probably our most important one
nutritionally. Health and vitality are dependent, I believe, on eating
nutritious and vital foods, and vegetables are a major category here,
especially the fresh-picked variety. Fresh vegetables have life force. The
Latin word for vegetables means ?to enliven or animate.?
Most vegetables are very high in water and necessary vitamins and minerals
and low in fat and protein. Thus, they are a perfect complement to animal
protein meals to help supply the needed nutrients that aid the digestion
and utilization of those concentrated foods. Most vegetables are
predominantly carbohydrate, with important fiber bulk. Vitamins C and A,
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron are the most commonly rich
nutrients, along with some B vitamins and other trace minerals. The dark
leafy greens, yellow or orange vegetables, such as squash and carrots, and
red ones, such as peppers, are all high in beta-carotene, which produces
vitamin A in our body. Many of the nutrients may be partially lost when
cooking vegetables. Vitamin C and some minerals may dissolve in the water,
and the B vitamins may be destroyed by heat and also lost in the water,
yet, overall, the basic nutrition and fiber will still remain.

The positive flavors, many colors, and variety of textures of vegetables
are a distinct advantage to those who enjoy natural tastes and aesthetic
eating. However, the low salt and fat content tends to reduce interest for
people who have developed a taste for those attractions. And many times
children refrain, often passionately, from the pleasures of vegetables, as
their tastes may tend toward sweet flavors and they may oppose the often
slightly bitter flavors of the greenery.

The chlorophyll that is part of most plants, especially high in the green
vegetables, has special properties. It is the basic component of the
plants? blood, just as hemoglobin is in ours. Instead of iron as the focal
part, as it is with our blood, magnesium is the center of the chlorophyll
molecule, and thus many plants have a good magnesium level. Chlorophyll is
produced as a result of the sun?s effects on the plants, and it is known
to have revitalizing and refreshing effects when used in humans. Many
studies have been done with chlorophyll extracts. It seems to provide
intestinal nourishment and has a soothing or healing effect on the mucous
linings, and it also has been used beneficially for skin ulcers and to
help detoxify or purify our system, the liver in particular. Chlorophyll
may even have antimutagenic potential, though this needs further study.
Because of their beta-carotene and selenium levels, vegetables are thought
to help reduce cancer rates. The cruciferous family vegetables, such as
broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, have a further anticancer
effect, though the exact mechanism has not yet been determined.

The most nutritious way to eat vegetables is fresh and raw. But raw
vegetables eaten in too much quantity are harder for some people to chew
and digest and can produce intestinal gas. Light steaming of vegetables
softens them without depleting much of their nutrients, and hot vegetables
with a little seasoning may be more pleasing to the palate. Baked
vegetables are also sound nutritionally. If we boil vegetables, many of
the nutrients go into the water, so unless we plan to consume the water,
by drinking it or making it into a sauce or soup, boiling is not ideal.
Frozen vegetables, when they are frozen fresh, have not suffered much loss
of nutrients and may keep for quite a long time, remaining nutritionally
rich. Dried vegetables do tend to lose vitamins and minerals, and canned
vegetables often lose the most, but this can vary depending on the
additives canned with them. With water canning, many of the nutrients
often dissolve into the liquid out of the vegetables. You can conserve
water and gain nutrients by using left-over vegetable water for soup
bases, gravies, or watering plants.

Many vegetables are sprayed or absorb some chemicals from the ground,
water, or air. These are often most concentrated in the skin or on the
surface. Washing or soaking the vegetables in water may help remove some
of these chemicals. Many people even soak vegetables suspected to be
contaminated in diluted bleach (Chlorox, sodium hypochlorite), then rinse
them before preparing them for eating.

Fresh vegetable juices can be a very invigorating beverage. Their vitamins
and minerals are concentrated in the juices. Many people have fasted on
vegetable juices with positive effects, such as enhanced vitality and a
diminishment of congestive-type symptoms. Vegetable juices are better the
fresher they are. Carrot juice is probably the most common, though other
veggies, such as beets, celery, or spinach, can be added for a
mixed-vegetable cocktail. Really, almost any vegetable can be made into


Leafy Greens

Cabbage Lettuce
Chard Spinach
Collards Watercress

The leafy greens are probably the richest in nutrients of any foods in the
vegetable kingdom. And usually the greener they are, the more nutritious
they are. They are very high in vitamins A and C and the minerals
magnesium, potassium, and iron. The leafy greens are well known for their
folic acid (name derived from ?foliage?) content. Calcium is also very
high in the greens, though some of it gets bound up in certain ones, such
as chard, spinach, and beet greens, that are high in oxalic acid. During
cooking or in the intestines, calcium oxalate, which is not very soluble
or absorbable, is formed. But an appreciable amount of calcium can still
be obtained from the green leafy vegetables. Kale, collards, and mustard
and turnip greens have a lower oxalic acid level and, thus, more available
calcium. Dandelion greens are one of the richest sources of vitamin A.
To give an example of the rich nutrition of the leafy green vegetables,
let?s analyze a cup of cooked kale, which is a fairly large portion,
requiring two to three cups of fresh kale. This has just over 50 calories,
nearly 10 grams of carbohydrate, several grams of protein, 2?3 grams of
fiber, and hardly any fat, less than 1 gram. The vitamin A activity is
nearly 8,000 IUs, more than the RDA for A. Calcium content is between 150
and 200 mg., magnesium about 30 mg., iron 2 mg., potassium nearly 300 mg.,
and vitamin C 100?150 mg., and there are traces of manganese, copper, and
zinc. Sodium is fairly low, less than 50 mg. There are also trace amounts
of most of the amino acids. The vitamin B levels are fairly low except for
important folic acid, about 40 mcg.

There are many edible leafy green vegetables. I give a few notes on some
of the more common ones.

Cabbage. A nutritious anticancer cruciferous vegetable, cabbage is low in
fat and may even help reduce body fat levels. Though not as high in
nutrients as some of the other greens, cabbage is still rich in
chlorophyll, folic acid, and vitamin C and especially good in that it
contains some selenium, another known antioxidant/anticancer nutrient, and
two detoxifying minerals, sulfur and chlorine. Red cabbage is higher than
green in vitamins A and C, but lower in folic acid and chlorophyll. In
longevity cultures, such as the Hunzas, cabbage is popular in the diets in
both raw and cooked forms and as fermented sauerkraut (mostly in eastern
Europe), which adds digestive enzymes.

Chard. Chard, mainly the Swiss variety, is a rich source of vitamin A; one
cup of uncooked chard has about 1,200 IUs?and less than 10 calories. Chard
is also about one-third protein and a good fiber food. It is fair in
vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Hot
cooked chard served with a bit of melted butter or cold-pressed vegetable
oil and a pinch of salt is a delicious vegetable.

Collards. Common to the Southern diet, these greens are one of the richer
sources of vitamin A, with some protein and a good fiber content. Folic
acid and vitamin C are also strong. The minerals calcium, potassium, iron,
and zinc are plentiful?that?s, of course, if you are eating those collard

Kale. Kale, just described in the general discussion of leafy greens, is a
fairly tasty vegetable with a special and rich array of nutrients, and
especially a good source of calcium.

Lettuce. This is the common name for a number of related plants that grow
in ?heads.? Head lettuce has been classically identified with the iceberg
variety, which is a solid, round ball of lettuce leaves that stores longer
than most other types, so that many restaurants and homes prefer it.
Iceberg lettuce, though, tends to be less nutritious than some of the
other lettuces, such as romaine, red leaf, green leaf, or butter lettuce,
which are gaining in popularity. These are generally darker green in color
and richer in chlorophyll, vitamin A, and folic acid. Lettuces also
contain some calcium, potassium, and iron and are good fiber foods. They
are low in sodium and calories as well.

Spinach. ?Spinach makes ya strong!? That has been the Popeye tale for most
of us, and that?s because this dark leafy green food is rich in iron. One
cup of uncooked spinach has nearly 2 mg. of iron?and for only 15 calories.
It is also a good fiber food and has some protein. Vitamin A activity is
very high, about 4,500 IUs for that one cup. B vitamins are low except for
folic acid; vitamin C is good, and there is some vitamin E as well.
Potassium, magnesium, and calcium are high, and copper, manganese, and
zinc are also present. Raw spinach, however, contains oxalic acid, which
may bind some of the calcium and other minerals. Spinach is a good
substitute for lettuce in salads, and lightly cooked spinach is
concentrated in nutrients. However, once fresh spinach is cooked or a can
is opened it should be consumed within the Day and not stored, especially
in contact to a metal container, due to potential oxidation of iron.

Watercress. A special, spicy green from the mustard family, watercress is
a nice addition to salads. It grows by or in streambeds in the early
spring. Watercress is particularly high in vitamin A and calcium and also
contains vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium, and traces of nearly all
the B vitamins. Many herbalists claim that watercress is a good blood



Asparagus Leeks
Celery Rhubarb

The stem category is basically what is left after the roots, leaves, and
flowers. Leeks are probably more similar to the bulb or root group, while
asparagus is in a world of its own. Most of these plants are low in
calories and very good in fiber content.
Asparagus. This is one of our spring vegetables, and the edible part is
actually the young underground sprouts or shoots. The asparagus tips are
actually little flowers. Asparagus spears are often more expensive than
other vegetables, because of their short season and the work it takes to
harvest them. Asparagus has very good amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A,
sulfur, folic acid, and potassium. It has some iron, calcium, magnesium,
iodine, and zinc as well. As an early sprout, it is relatively high in
protein for a vegetable, and it is a good fiber food. Asparagus is also
low in calories and sodium. The unusual smell that our urine may acquire
after eating asparagus comes from the amino acid, asparagine, which
actually acquired its name from this springtime plant.

Celery. A popular crunchy stem often used for oral gratification during
weight-loss programs, celery is very low in calories (fewer than ten per
stalk), though higher in sodium than other veggies. Celery is a good fiber
and carbohydrate food with a high water content. It is also rich in
potassium, with some calcium and folic acid, and celery is relatively high
in vitamins A and C. This vegetable is thought to have a relaxing effect
by calming the nerves.

Leeks. Leeks are a nutrient-rich, high-fiber food that are related to
green onions. They are mainly carbohydrate and fiber, though they are rich
in potassium, folic acid, iron, and calcium and fairly high in vitamin C,
some Bs, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, and phosphorus. They can be steamed
or sauteed with other vegetables or used in soup.

Rhubarb. This is an interesting plant that comes from Tibet. The only
edible part is the stem, which is actually an early sprout of the rhizome
(large bulb) of the plant. The leaves are poisonous, and the stems, when
eaten raw, may be toxic as well. When the stems are cooked or stewed, they
can be eaten in a pie or sauce, usually with some sweetener to cover up
the bitter taste. Rhubarb is a good fiber food and has some calcium and
other minerals. Most of the vitamin C is lost with cooking.


Roots and Tubers

Beets Parsnips,
Carrots Rutabagas,
Garlic and Turnips
Onions Radishes
Potatoes Sweet Potatoes
and Yams

The root vegetables, which also include the tubers (potatoes) and bulbs
(garlic and onions), are probably the most commonly consumed group of
vegetables throughout the world. One of these root vegetables might be
cooked along with the main meal or as a dish in itself, as part of a mixed
vegetable dish, or as a seasoning for other dishes. Potatoes, carrots, and
garlic and onions are the most popular. These vegetables vary in their
nutrient content, though they all are ?starchy?; that is, contain a high
portion of complex carbohydrates. Carrots and sweet potatoes are both very
high in beta-carotene, which generates vitamin A. Cooking potatoes are
high in vitamin C and lots of other nutrients. Most of these root
vegetables, especially yams, are rich in potassium.
Beets. Beets are those red-purple roots that stain the other vegetables
red when cooked with them. Some people can have a scare after eating beets
when they pass bloody-looking stools or see red water in the toilet after
elimination. In fact, beets can be used to measure our intestinal transit
time. Eat a couple of fresh raw beets, usually shredded in a salad, check
the time, and watch when the first sign of them appears in the bowel
movement. Canned beets will not work for this purpose, as much of the red
pigment (and a lot of the nutrients as well) is lost in canning and

Beet greens are particularly high in vitamin A, iron, and calcium, while
beet roots are richest in iron, potassium, niacin, copper, and vitamin C.
Folic acid, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus are also
present. Beet borscht is a classic Russian beet soup, but steamed, raw in
salads, or cooked beets in soups are also simple ways to get these
stimulating roots. A mixed carrot, beet, and parsley juice is supportive
for women during their menstrual cycle.

Carrots. Carrots are one of the more commonly eaten vegetables. Children
will often eat raw carrots when they will eat few others, but cooked
carrots are another story. Carrots are amazing in their vitamin A content.
One cup of carrots, with only 50 calories, contains over 20,000 IUs of
vitamin A, mainly as beta-carotene. Folic acid, vitamin C, potassium,
calcium, iron, and magnesium are also present. And carrots usually contain
selenium, a hard-to-find important nutrient. Of course, the freshness and
quality of a vegetable such as carrots determines its content. For
example, carrots may range widely in their vitamin A value.

Carrots are most often eaten cleaned and raw, cooked in vegetable dishes
(steamed is best for nutrition), or as part of soups or salads. Sliced,
diced, shredded, or swirled, they all contain lots of vitamin A. An
eight-ounce glass of carrot juice contains almost five times (25,000 IUs)
the RDA for vitamin A and various concentrated minerals; it has the most
nourishment when it is drunk within a short time of preparing it. With
this vitamin A content, carrots and carrot juice are helpful in supporting
skin health and providing immune protection.

Garlic. A whole book could be devoted to all the tales and remedies of
which garlic has been a part for centuries. Its strong odor, from sulfur
gas, accounts for the theory that garlic keeps away evil spirits?or any
spirits, for that matter, other than other garlic-eating ones. But it is
with good reason that garlic has been known as the ?king of herbs?; it has
been used for medicinal purposes including treatment of high blood
pressure, atherosclerosis, worms and other parasites, the common cold and
flu, and generally as the ?poor person?s antibiotic.? It seems to help
purify the body and may have immune-enhancing properties. The mineral
sulfur promotes elimination of toxins from the blood, lymph, and body.
Garlic has been shown to help lower fat levels and platelet aggregation,
which can lower blood-clotting potential.

Garlic is actually a bulb made up of cloves, each of which is the seed for
a future plant. In the low amounts usually used, it is not of high
nutritional value. It is used raw in salads or in dressings or cooked with
meats, fish, or poultry or with other vegetables. The hot or spicy nature
of garlic gives it a stimulating action.

Onions. The effect of onions is similar to, though more subtle, than those
of garlic. There are many varieties of these root bulbs. The standard
yellow cooking onion is most common in our culture, though red onions,
white onions, green onions, and chives are used frequently also. Onions
can be eaten raw in salads or in dips, used as flavorings, or cooked in
soups or in just about any kind of food dish. Liver and onions is a fairly
popular (and unpopular) high-nutrient entree. Onion is a universal food
and, like garlic, has a characteristic odor from the active sulfur bonds
that release its purifying properties. Onions? antiseptic effects also
come from its natural oils.

Onions are not high in nutrients, though they have a wide mix. They have
some plant protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamins C, E, and A
and are also a source of selenium and zinc, which they can pick up from
the soil. Green onions are higher in vitamins A and C and iron and are
used most often fresh as chives in salads or with potatoes and sour cream.

Potatoes. Probably the most universal and highly consumed vegetable,
potatoes are actually a tuber, like Jerusalem artichokes or taro root,
meaning that they grow underground off the root after the plant has grown
and flowered. I try to find organic, nongreen potatoes especially, as they
can concentrate chemicals and produce their own toxicity when they turn
color or are exposed to sunlight. The green color is actually chlorophyll,
but it suggests that excessive solanine has been produced in the potato.
Solanine can produce symptoms such as headache, nausea, diarrhea, or
fatigue in large amounts. Potatoes that have sprouted should also be

Potatoes are very rich in nutrients, are low in sodium, fairly low in
calories (one potato has between 100 and 150 calories), and negligible in
fats. Potatoes are approximately two-thirds starch carbohydrate and about
10 percent protein. They contain a reasonable portion of vitamin C and B
vitamins, especially folic acid, thiamine, niacin, and pantothenic acid,
and are very high in potassium, with moderate amounts of magnesium,
manganese, iron, and zinc.

Potatoes are very versatile in the kitchen as well. They can be baked,
steamed, boiled, fried, cooked in soups or vegetable dishes, and more.
They get costar billing in the standard poorly balanced meat-and-potatoes
diet, but they are the least of any dietary problem, unless the diet is
high in french fries or the potatoes are slathered in butter, sour cream,
or highly chemical bacon bits. The basic potato, though, is really that?a
basic nutritious food from the earth. Boiled potatoes can calm the
intestines and reduce bloating. Externally, raw potato can draw out skin
boils as well as reduce inflammation. Sliced raw potatoes on sunburns or
other mild burns may help their healing.

Parsnips, Rutabagas, and Turnips. These three root vegetables are among
our stranger and less consumed foods, unless they are passed on in a
cultural diet.

They are mainly starchy vegetables, without a high amount of any one
nutrient but a good mixture. They have some B vitamins, A, and C and are
high in potassium, with a blend of other minerals. They are almost
exclusively eaten cooked?steamed, baked, or in soups. Turnip greens are
rich in vitamins A and C and folic acid.

Radishes. Those spicy, crunchy little red roots that grow very fast are
really low calorie. They are nearly all water, with some vitamin C, folic
acid, and most of the trace minerals, including iron, zinc, silicon, and
selenium. The chlorine content may actually help in digestion. The spicier
radishes can help clear the sinuses and any mucus in the upper airways.
Wild radish flowers are also edible and can help spice up a salad. Radish
sprouts make a good blend with the common alfalfa sprouts and are nice for
those who like a little bite in their salads.

Sweet Potatoes and Yams. These two potato-related tubers are considered
the celebration potatoes in our culture. Usually baked or steamed, they
are a real taste treat. Sweet potato pie and candied yams are special
holiDay favorites. Sweet potatoes are very high in beta-carotene and
fairly good in the B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, and iron. Yams are
very rich in potassium, folic acid, and magnesium but lower in vitamin A
and some of the other nutrients.


Vegetable Flowers

Artichokes Brussels Sprouts
Broccoli Cauliflower

This group is different from both the flowers and the ?flowering
vegetables,? such as tomatoes and squashes, that grow to replace the
flower of the plant. Vegetable flowers are actually the early part of the
potential flower of the plant, picked and eaten before they progress into
a ?real? flower.
These vegetables tend to be low in calories and high in carbohydrates but
also have some protein and good fiber content. They are all good in
vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium, and broccoli is very rich in vitamin
A. Artichokes are actually the flower of a thistle plant that is very
beautiful when left to fully flower, while cauliflower and broccoli are
members of the highly nutritious cruciferous family, thought to help
reduce the incidence of cancer.

Artichokes. These are a special treat and a meditation to eat, unless we
gobble or add to our salad the oil-marinated artichoke hearts. Eating the
fresh, steamed artichoke involves trimming the stickers and then peeling
the tender leaves one by one to slide the edible parts through our teeth
into our mouths; and then, we eventually get down to the hairy heart,
which, after a shave, is a real delicacy. The whole experience can take
half an hour or more, not counting steaming the artichoke for that long at
least to make it tender and edible. Artichokes are good in fiber, low in
calories (if not drenched in butter or mayonnaise), and pretty well
endowed with folic acid and potassium. Some vitamin A and C, calcium and
magnesium, phosphorus, and iron are part of the artichoke.

Broccoli. Sometimes eaten by children because they look like such cute
little green trees, broccoli is also nutritious and very low in calories.
The protein content is about one-third of its nourishment. Broccoli is a
cruciferous vegetable that is thought to have anticancer properties and is
rich in vitamins A, C, and folic acid. Some other B vitamins and most of
the minerals are also present, being particularly best in potassium, along
with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Broccoli should be eaten
raw or lightly steamed, not boiled or overcooked, to maintain its

Brussels Sprouts. These are one of the cruciferous vegetables recently
known for their ability to reduce cancer potential. Even though they are
not many people?s favorite vegetable because of their peculiar taste
(sulfur) and the fact that they seem to be gas producing, they are
definitely loaded with nutrition. They were always fascinating to me in
the way they grow and by their miniature replication of cabbage.

Brussels sprouts are high in vitamins A and C, folic acid, and fiber and
fairly high in calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and
iron. These little sprouts from Brussels are nearly half protein, though
not completely balanced in their amino acid distribution. If we can get
children to eat Brussels sprouts, that is a real victory on several

Cauliflower. A cauliflower is really a little head of thousands of compact
flowers. It is white because it contains no carotene pigment, and is thus
low in vitamin A, but it is rich in potassium, folic acid, and vitamin C.
It is also about 25 percent protein and one of the cancer-preventive*
cruciferous vegetables. Cauliflower can be eaten raw with dips and steamed
or cooked with other vegetables. Curried in eastern Indian cooking is a
very tasty way to eat cauliflower.


Flowering Vegetables

Cucumbers Pumpkins
Eggplants Squahes
Peppers Tomatoes

These plants are many, mainly growing on small bushes and vines. Each one
that I will discuss here has many different varieties. The flowering
vegetables are botanically like fruits in that they carry the plant?s
matured seeds for the next generation. These vegetables grow after and in
replacement of the flowers, much like a citrus tree. And some, such as
tomatoes and cucumbers, are as juicy and nutritious as many fruits.
Tomatoes are the very popular ?fruit of the vine? that were once thought
to be poisonous. There was also a question as to whether they were a fruit
or a vegetable until the United States Supreme Court ruled that they are
vegetables. Actually, tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers are all members of
the nightshade family of plants, which are thought to be possible joint
irritants in arthritis. Potatoes and tobacco are also in the nightshade

Squashes are multiple and vary from small, soft, high water content
zucchini and summer squash to hard, starchy drier ones, such as acorn and
hubbard squash. Even the pumpkin is in the squash family. Many beans,
especially green peas and green beans, are also flowering vegetables,
though these will be discussed in the section of legumes.

Cucumbers. The ?coolest? of vegetables, cucumbers are actually used
medicinally for burns or irritated tissues. Laying a slice of cucumber
over each eye is a soothing treatment for stressed or inflamed eyes, or
for hot or burned skin. Cucumbers are eaten in their unripe state and
usually raw, though some cultures cook them. The smaller cucumbers may be
?pickled? to make a fermented vinegary fruit, namely ?pickles.? Some
people find cucumbers difficult to digest, in particular the skins, though
they contain the cuke?s folic acid. Cucumbers are not really high in any
nutrients, but they are almost devoid of calories as well. They are,
however, the best source of vitamin E (in the seeds) of the vegetables.
Cucumbers also have some vitamins A and C, and contain potassium and other
minerals as well. Cucumbers are commonly eaten raw in salads, as in cukes
and sour cream, or as pickles.

Eggplant. Our main purple vegetable besides red cabbage, eggplant is
usually eaten cooked. It is low in calories unless sauteed in oils; we
must be careful with eggplant because it is like a sponge and can soak up
large amounts of fats. Therefore, it is best to bake it first before
cooking it in other recipes. Eggplant is used in many dishes throughout
the world?in a Middle Eastern dip, in mixed cooked vegetables, and as
eggplant parmigiana, something like noodleless lasagna or moussaka, a
Greek eggplant casserole. Eggplants are mainly carbohydrate and contain no
fat. They are not particularly high in nutrients, except for niacin and
potassium. Calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A and C, and folic acid are
also present. Eggplant is also a member of the nightshade family, and thus
may be avoided by people with concern about arthritis.

Peppers. Peppers are also grown and eaten throughout the world in a great
many varieties, shapes, and flavors, from sweet to very hot. We are most
familiar with red or green ?bell? peppers and the hotter chili, cayenne,
and jalapeño peppers. The bell peppers may be eaten fresh in salads or
sliced with dips or stuffed with other foods, such as grains or meats, and
baked. Some people have difficulty digesting peppers, especially the
pepper?s skin. The hot peppers are used to spice up salsas, cheeses, and
in many other dishes of South America, where they originated. The chilis
and cayenne peppers contain capsaicin, with medicinal properties in
cleansing the blood and stimulating the circulation and perhaps in
reducing cardiovascular disease and cancer. They also stimulate the
gastric secretions and help digestion.

All peppers are very high in vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and vitamin A. One
sweet pepper might have over 500 IUs of A and nearly 150 mg. of vitamin C.
A smaller hot chili pepper is more concentrated and so may have similar
levels. Folic acid, potassium, and niacin are also present in fairly good
levels, as are some other minerals and B vitamins. The seeds surround the
inner core of the peppers and often concentrate the hot nature.

Pumpkins. Another festive vegetable, pumpkins are used decoratively for
Halloween and cooked for the tasty pumpkin pie dessert, eaten mainly
around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Pumpkin seeds are also fairly popular.
Some people eat baked pumpkin as they do other hard squashes, though it is
more stringy, yet very high in fiber. Pumpkins are also high in vitamin A,
as beta-carotene, the natural orange coloring. They are mainly a starchy
carbohydrate with good water content. Pumpkins have some vitamin C,
niacin, and pantothenic acid and are high in potassium. Other prevalent
minerals include phosphorus, silicon, iron, magnesium, and calcium.
Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and other minerals (see the section on
Seeds ).

Squashes. These are also mainly autumn harvest vegetables. Many need to be
cooked by baking or steaming, though the popular zucchini and yellow
crookneck (both summer vegetables) can be sliced and eaten raw in salads
or with dips. Most of the squashes are high in carbohydrates, mainly as
starch, with a high fiber content. Many are high in vitamin A, especially
the orange or yellow squashes. Vitamin C and potassium are also present in
varying amounts, as are calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Zucchinis are probably the most commonly used squash in our culture
because they are so easy to prepare. They are very juicy and flavorful
after light steaming. The bigger ones can be stuffed and baked. Zucchinis
can also be used raw in salads or for dips, or in soups or dipped in egg
and breaded for deep frying. This vegetable seems to have a mild diuretic
action and stimulates the intestines as well, probably because of its
mucilage content.

Tomatoes. The vegetable mainstay of many Americans? diets and the diets of
many cultures around the world, tomatoes have a wide variety of
uses?juices, soups, raw in salads, stuffed, in sauces, in catsups and
condiments, in salad dressings, in pizza and so many more. In 1980, it was
estimated that nearly sixty pounds of tomatoes per person were consumed in
the Unites States, though most of this was probably in catsup and sauces.
The tomato, which is related to the belladona plant, was thought to be
poisonous until one brave soul ate one in public and didn?t die. Whether
tomatoes are a fruit or vegetable doesn?t really matter; they are a very
delicious, mildly acidic food. The skins of the tomato are difficult to
digest, and some people can suffer allergic reactions or irritation from
too much tomato intake. Also, as a nightshade plant, they appear to be a
joint irritant in some people with arthritis. Whether this is from
allergy, acidity, or some other factor we do not know.

Tomatoes are not highly nutritious, though they are pretty well spiked
with potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. They are low in calories and are
mostly liquid and carbohydrate. Whole tomatoes contain some vitamin E,
folic acid and other B vitamins, such as biotin and niacin, and a bit of
iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Tomato juice and tomato paste
are more concentrated in some of the nutrients. Fresh-picked is the best
and tastiest way to eat those red, ripe jewels of the garden.


Ocean Vegetables?Seaweed

Agar-agar Kelp
Arame Kombu
Dulse Nori
Hijiki Wakame

The vegetables that come from the sea are some of the most nutrient-rich
foods we have, particularly in iodine, calcium, potassium, and iron, and
some being very high in protein as well. Since these plants are constantly
bathed in the mineral-rich ocean waters, they have a regular supply of
nutrients. Sodium, however, can also be concentrated in these saltwater
vegetables that supply food for many fishes.
Most seaweeds contain algin, a fiber molecule that binds minerals. When
taken into our body, it can attract various metals within our digestive
tract, possibly including heavy metals such as lead and mercury, and take
them out of our system. It is further wise to include sea vegetables in
our diets more regularly to provide good mineral nutrition and reduce
possible absorption and utilization of similar radioactive compounds, such
as iodine 131, from environmental or medical sources.

The seaweeds are becoming more commonly used in our culture. They have
been a traditional food in the Japanese culture for centuries. Sushi are
rolls of rice (often with fish or vegetables) wrapped in a piece of nori
seaweed. Kelp is a good high-mineral salt substitute, relatively low in
sodium compared to regular salt, and may be useful for those with

Agar-agar. Agar-agar is a seaweed combination that is used as a gelling
agent in cooking and for desserts. It has no taste and no fishy smell and
is healthier than gelatin made from animal byproducts. Agar is probably a
good place to begin for children or people who want to bring these sea
vegetables into their diet. Arame. This is a dark, thin seaweed thread
that can be used in soups or salads or mixed with rice. It is fairly rich
in protein, iodine, calcium, and iron and is one of the tastier seaweeds.

Dulse. A red-purple leaf that is rich in iodine, iron, and calcium, dulse
is a very tasty seaweed that can be used fresh in salads or cooked in
soups. It is helpful to rinse the dulse prior to use to wash away some of
the salt and the more fishy ocean flavor. Dulse powder, like kelp, is also
available as a seasoning.

Hijiki. This is a very mineral-rich, high-fiber seaweed. Its dark, long
strands look like thick hairs. Hijiki is about 10?20 percent protein,
contains some vitamin A, and is richest in calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
Soaked in water, it can be cooked in soup or is very good combined and
eaten with rice. It is similar to arame.

Kelp. Kelp is usually used in smaller quantities than the other seaweeds,
mostly as a seasoning. It has some protein and is very rich in iodine,
calcium, and potassium, along with some of the B vitamins. Kelp is a
common food supplement, used mainly for its iodine.

Kombu. A richer, meatier, higher-protein seaweed, kombu is most often used
in soups?it adds minerals and flavor to the stock. Kombu contains vitamin
A, some Bs, and lots of calcium and iron, yet is higher in sodium than
most of the other seaweeds. One strip of kombu can also be added to the
pot when cooking beans to reduce some of the potential gas-inducing
qualities of the beans.

Nori. Nori is probably one of the most commonly used seaweeds. The dark
sheets, as it is usually available, are very rich in protein, containing
nearly 50 percent. Nori is high in fiber as well, and the sheets are used
to wrap and hold rice, vegetables, and raw or cooked fish in small rolls
that can be eaten with the hands. Nori is very high in vitamin A, calcium,
iodine, iron, and phosphorus, and it has one of the sweeter flavors of the

Wakame. Another high-protein, flat and thinner seaweed, wakame is used
mainly in soups. It contains some vitamin A, lots of calcium, iron, and
sodium, and a bit of vitamin C as well.


Mushrooms, a type of edible fungus, are a fascinating species.
Interestingly, when they are eaten, almost the entire plant is consumed.
There are literally thousands of varieties, though probably only about
twenty-five are consumed by humans. Most mushrooms are poisonous in
varying degrees, with effects ranging from digestive upset to paralysis
and death. It is very important, especially with wild mushrooms, to know
the species that are edible and not make any mistakes. I remember a
beautiful post?rain walk with herbalist Rob Menzies where we discovered
nearly one hundred species of mushrooms.

White button, or field, mushrooms are found in most grocery stores and are
the most commonly consumed. They may be the only variety known to most
consumers, yet they have very little nutrition. Japanese shiitake
mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, and the tiny
tree mushrooms are some other fairly common, more nutritious mushroom

Most mushrooms have a fairly good protein content. I often describe them
as the ?meat? of the vegetable kingdom, especially some of those exotic
forms found in Oriental cooking. The average button mushroom is low in
calories and about one-third protein, while other varieties may have even
more protein. Shiitake mushrooms are noted to have all eight essential
amino acids, and are very nutritious. Many mushrooms are also high in two
other, harder-to-find vegetable nutrients, iron and selenium. The B
vitamins biotin, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid are often found
in good quantities. Potassium and phosphorus are usually the next most
highly concentrated minerals, though other minerals are present in varying
amounts, depending on the soil content.

Some people are allergic or sensitive to mushrooms. Also, people with
intestinal yeast overgrowth, yeast sensitivities, or mold allergies may
have crossover reactions to the fungi family.


Peas and Beans
The legume vegetables are a special class of the pea and bean plants,
which contain edible seeds inside pods that grow after the plant flowers.
These include aduki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans,
great northerns, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, mung beans, navy
beans, peanuts, green peas, pinto beans, and soybeans. There are also many
other types of peas and beans. In fact, peanuts are actually a legume
vegetable and not a true nut; however, since they are so commonly thought
of as nuts, they will be discussed in the nut section.

The legumes are an interesting food, mainly a mixture of protein and
starch, with many positive qualities as a food. They are low in calories,
low in fat, a good complex carbohydrate, and fairly high in fiber, which
may help intestinal action and even help to reduce cholesterol levels.
Most important, though, especially for the vegetarian, the legumes are a
good and inexpensive protein source. They cost on the average about 3 per
pound of protein, whereas egg protein may cost about 6 and meat protein
more like 12 per pound. And the extra advantage is that the beans have
less than 10 percent fat content. So, though beans may be considered the
poor people?s meat, they might better be known as the healthy people?s

One concern, however, is that the protein in most of the peas and beans is
not as complete as the animal proteins (though what protein is present is
well utilized). In other words, all the essential amino acids are not
contained in near-equal amounts. Tryptophan and methionine are the two
amino acids most commonly low in the vegetable proteins. So we must eat
more of these vegetable protein foods or mix them with different vegetable
protein foods, such as grains (which are commonly higher than legumes in
methionine but lower in lysine) to get all our essential amino acids at
more optimum levels. This mixing of protein foods, called ?protein
complementarity,? is discussed more in Chapter 2, Protein , and in Chapter
9 under Lacto-ovo-Vegetarian . Soybeans and peanuts are the most complete
proteins of the legumes and of the vegetable kingdom, for that matter.

Another concern with legumes, especially beans, is that in many people
they cause increased intestinal gas, which leads to burping, flatulence,
or abdominal discomfort. This is caused mainly by the oligosaccharides in
the beans fermenting in the lower intestines. Since these starch-type
molecules are contained primarily in the coverings of the beans, we can
soak the beans in water, usually overnight, and then discard that water
first before cooking them in fresh water to help leach out some of their
fermenting properties. This definitely reduces the gas-producing potential
for which beans are notorious. Also, combining a bean such as mung, aduki,
lentil or black bean with a grain such as rice or millet in a 1:3 (bean to
grain) ratio will provide low gas but good fuel as a complete protein.

For this discussion, I have divided the legumes into three main
categories: the fresh beans , the fresh peas , and the dried beans . In
terms of nutrient content, the fresh peas and beans are more like the
basic green vegetables, and the dried beans are more similar to the grains
as starchier, protein-containing foods higher in B vitamins. The fresh
beans, for example, include basic ?green? beans and their many varieties,
lima beans (also available dried), and yellow wax beans. These beans are
usually higher in vitamins A and C than the dried varieties. Green beans
are also usually good in folic acid and limas in potassium and iron, while
yellow wax beans are lower in the supportive nutrients, though they have
some vitamin A. These fresh beans are usually eaten steamed or cooked by
themselves or with other vegetables.

The fresh peas include the standard green peas, as well as sweet, snap,
snow, and sugar peas. When picked young, the whole pod and baby peas can
be eaten fresh in salads or right off the bush, or they may be cooked.
When more mature, the peas are bigger and the pods are stringier and less
easy to chew and digest. This group is the highest in vitamin C of all the
legumes, fairly high in the B vitamins, with some folic acid, high in
vitamin A, and fairly well endowed with most of the minerals, including
iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Green peas even contain some
vitamin E.

The dried beans are the category in which most of the legumes fall. There
are many varieties, and their use tends to vary amongst the cultures.
Lentils, often eaten with wheat or peas for complete protein, are very
common in Middle Eastern diets, as are garbanzo beans, also known as chick
peas. Hummus and falafel are two Middle Eastern foods based on this bean.
Pintos and black beans, usually eaten with rice or corn, are more common
in Latin American countries. Kidney, navy, and great northern beans seem
more Western?type beans?though most of the world?s beans are consumed in
the United States. Flavorful ?baked beans? commonly use the red kidney
bean. Soybeans have classically come from the Oriental cultures as tofu,
or soybean curd, but in the last 20 years, soybean use has expanded
rapidly worldwide.

Most of these dried and cooked beans contain some basic B vitamins, though
the content is not really high. In general, the levels of thiamine,
niacin, and pantothenic acid are best. There is a surprisingly high level
of iron in most of these beans; calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are
also abundant. Black beans, for example, are high in iron, calcium,
potassium, and phosphorus; garbanzos are rich in those same minerals and
good in vitamins B1, B2, and B3; kidney beans are good in iron and
potassium, as are navy beans and lentils; while soybeans are one of the
better protein sources, though they are a little less well endowed with
the supportive vitamins and minerals, so eating them with more vegetables
will help provide those nutrients. Soybeans do contain some A and C and
some niacin and are actually fairly high in iron, calcium, potassium, and

Soybeans are a very important food. They are very versatile as well and
could supply much of the world?s hungry population with better protein and
improved general nutrition. Growing soybeans for direct human consumption
is a much more productive use of the land than raising meat. Raising
soybeans can provide nearly 20 times the protein per acre that raising
beef can. They contain complete protein as well, though not as
concentrated as in beef. The amino acid balance of the soybeans is not
perfect, being a little low in tryptophan and methionine, but a good
intake of soybeans and soybean products can supply us with a fair amount
of protein. Soybeans also contain very little if any saturated fat; most
of their fat is the unsaturated variety. Soybean oil, commonly used, is
high in linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fats and is more stable to
oxidation and rancidification than some other oils because of its high
content of lecithin and vitamin E, an important antioxidant.

Other soybean products that have hit the American scene in recent years
include tempeh, or fermented soybean cakes, and soyburgers made from
straight soybeans, tempeh, or tofu. Tofu is the classic soybean product
made by fermenting the soybean and concentrating the curd, now used by
many cultures. It has become known as the ?food of 10,000 flavors? because
it picks up the flavors from the other foods cooked with it. Tofu is a
very versatile food. It can be used in salads, blended into dressings,
eaten in sandwiches, or added to stir-fries or cooked vegetables. Tofu is
not as high in protein and other nutrients as the whole soybean, though it
retains fairly good levels of calcium, iron, and phosphorus. The sodium
level is usually higher, though. Tofutti, or soybean-based ice cream, has
also become popular as a low-cholesterol, lower-fat dessert treat. Ice
Bean, another soybean dessert, contains more soybean and less sweetener
than the Tofutti.

Sprouts will be discussed next, but I shall just mention here that soybean
sprouts, as any of the legume sprouts, are very nutritious, vital foods.
The vitamin C content, chlorophyll level, and protein level are all fairly
good. The general protein concentration may go down when soybeans are
sprouted, but protein is still found in good quantity, and the fiber
content goes up. Anybody, anywhere can make and use these important
sprouts as a healthful adjunct to their diet.

Overall, the legumes are a very important class of foods. They are
especially important to the American diet, where we need to find
lower-fat, lower-sodium, and lower-calorie (and lower cost) protein foods
to substitute in the diets that are currently too high in meat, sodium,
and fat and contribute so much to disease. The legumes are one of the best
substitutes we have.


Aduki, alfalfa, buckwheat, clover, fenugreek, garbanzo, lentil, mung,
radish, soybean, sunflower, wheat?these are only some of the protein- and
vitamin-rich sprouts of many possible seeds, grains, and beans. Barley,
corn, oats, green peas, and lima beans are a few others. Really, any
?seed? that is endowed with the potential for the next generation of the
plant life is sproutable. When a seed is sprouted into the first
beginnings of the new plant, much of the stored nutrient potential bursts
forth into the seedling, and these little sprouts, including the seed,
grain, or bean with its shoot and greenery, become very wealthy with
nutrients. Protein content increases by somewhere between 15 and 30
percent, depending on the plant, as the carbohydrate food source gets
converted. Chlorophyll and fiber content also increase. The chlorophyll
content can be very high when the sprout becomes green, as in sprouted
wheat berries (wheat grass). Chlorophyll itself is rich in nutrients and
has many health-giving properties. Also, sprouts are living foods that
contain active enzymes which help our digestion and assimilation. With
sprouting, most of the B vitamins are greatly increased, some over
tenfold. Niacin and riboflavin are in particularly good amounts. The
vitamin C level is greatly enhanced in sprouts compared to the dry seeds.
Beta-carotene, the vitamin A precursor, increases with sprouting, as do
vitamin E, K, calcium, phosphorus, and iron, though mineral content is not
as greatly affected as that of the vitamins.

Many sprouts can now be purchased in grocery stores. Alfalfa sprouts, by
far the most common, are used in salads or sandwiches. They are very tasty
but should be eaten fresh so that they do not ferment. Clover sprouts are
bigger and have a fuller flavor than alfalfa; they are now more available
in stores and can also be used fresh in salads or sandwiches. Mung bean
sprouts have been used since ancient China, and are still popular in
Oriental cooking. Mixed bean sprouts, with lentils, peas, and garbanzo
beans, for example, are now more commonly available in little plastic
bags. These can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in vegetable, grain, or
even meat dishes or in soups. More and more people are coming to realize
that the nutrient value and economical price of sprouts make them an ideal

Sprouting at home is very simple with a large glass jar or flat tray
filled with soil. Most seeds, grains, or beans can be placed in a jar,
rinsed, then covered with water for approximately 24 hours, being rinsed
once or twice, then kept in the jar out of direct sunlight and rinsed two
or three times a Day , pouring off the water and letting the moist sprouts
sit. I suggest using purified, chlorine-free water for soaking and rinsing
sprouts. When they have sprouted, they can be placed in more light over
the next Day or two, again being rinsed two or three times daily to keep
them clean and fresh. By this time, the amount of sprouts will have
increased several times over the original volume. The sprouts and/or
greenery are usually edible after a Day or two in the light. Many types of
sprouts, such as lentils, garbanzos, or alfalfa, can be eaten earlier than
this and are very tasty along with being at peak protein levels at this
time, Day two or three.

Sunflower, wheat berry, and buckwheat sprouts all tend to grow better and
healthier in a bed of soil. They are placed on top of the soil, watered
well, covered with dark plastic or cloth, and left in a dark place for two
to three Day s. Then they are uncovered and placed in the light, being
watered or sprayed as needed. The tall shoots with green tops can be
trimmed and eaten fresh in salads, or they may continue to grow even

Lentils and garbanzos are very easy to sprout, may take only a couple of
Day s, and are very rich in protein. Sprouted mung beans, the common ?bean
sprouts? used in Oriental cooking, can be used in salads or cooked into
vegetable dishes. Fenugreek sprouts have a licorice flavor, while radish
sprouts are more spicy. Soybean sprouting takes a little more care, as
they must be rinsed more often to prevent fermentation.

Some practitioners feel that sprouts as the basic part of our diet can be
very healthy and can, in fact, help heal a lot of medical problems. When
the Hippocrates Health Institutes or the Optimum Health Institutes take
people in for health care, they feed them mainly sprouts of various kinds,
raw foods, and juices. These centers have been inspired by the work of Dr.
Ann Wigmore, a well-known naturopathic doctor. Author Viktoras Kulvinskas,
best known for his book Survival into the Twenty-First Century (Omango
D?Press, 1975), has also published an entire book on sprouts, Sprouts for
the Love of Every Body . These people feel, and I agree, that sprouts are
likely the most vitally alive and nourishing foods we can eat. They are a
great survival food, too. We can sprout these seeds, beans, and grains all
year round. I believe that eating high amounts of sprouted foods, along
with other vegetables and fruits, will promote health and vitality. Also,
for overweight people, sprouts provide low-calorie, high-nutrient foods
that also tend to support improved metabolism. Sprouts are also a good
source of nutrients in the wintertime when there are less leafy greens and
other vegetables available. And the amount of nourishment per dollar
surpasses most any other food.

Elson M. Haas, MD has been in medical practice for over 25 years and was
instrumental in the development of the field that he has termed Integrated
Medicine. He is the founder and director of the Preventive Medical Center
of Marin, an integrated health care facility in San Rafael, California,
where he specializes in Family and Nutritional Medicine, Detoxification,
and Individualized Health Programs. His books include: Staying Healthy
with the Seasons (fully revised 20th Anniversary 2003 edition) Staying
healthy with Nutrition, The False Fat Diet, The Staying Healthy Shopper's
Guide, The Detox Diet, and A Cookbook for All Seasons.

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