Saturday, July 18, 2009

The vegan hall of shame

The vegan hall of shame by Adam Kochanowicz July 16, 2009
Link to full article below

These are the news alerts that get syndicated, forwarded, and cited nefarioiusly on forums. I present you with the vegan hall of shame: events in recent history so stupid they still make us pull out our protein-deficient hair.

Death by Veganism

Nutritionist and anti-vegan activist Nina Planck's article "Death by Veganism" may be the archetype for an inductive argument fallacy. These are the arguments that try to take a horrifying event or conclusion of research and frame it to be caused by veganism. Planck's article took the example of one Crown Shakur, an infant who was starved to death by his his vegan parents. Shakur's parents also happened to both have blue eyes and detached earlobes but Planck is determined to make correlation causation--it's the veganism. It seems to me that starving a baby to death is caused by not feeding him rather than following an ethical principle and diet but what do I know?

Planck also makes some boldly false claims. Having been a vegan herself, she claims the human body simply cannot "create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from plants" even though vegan-raised children exist on this earth outside of the realm of fantasy. Planck finally revealed she was under the impression vegan parents were against breastfeeding (they aren't), preferring instead to feed their children soymilk and apple juice. She then takes her error to passionately explain why breastmilk is so important. Planck is now continuing to promote her book "Real Food" in which she lauds lard as a "miracle food" (I'm not kidding.)

"Vegan Plus"

Mark Bittman is working hard to consider veganism as a food issue and seems to be interested in how to eat meat as a vegan.

To read the full article:

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